Data tab group’s buttons shortcuts Microsoft Excel 2016

Data tab group’s shortcuts MS Excel 2016

Data tab group's shortcuts MS Excel 2016

Data tab group’s shortcuts Microsoft Excel

See Previous Post: Formulas tab groups tools commands shortcuts MS Excel 2016

First of all, the Data tab group’s shortcuts list have been mentioned in the table below. The Shortcuts in a program gets executed from the keyboard keys. So, these shortcuts are part of the Data tab ribbon group’s in Microsoft Excel 2016.

Especially, the Data tab group’s shortcuts applies Filtering, Data Connections, Data Management etc. The “Alt” key shortcut with other keys trigger button actions in Excel. Also, the “Ctrl” key is pressed for control key shortcuts followed by different keys to perform tasks respectively.

Data tab group’s shortcuts Excel 2016

Alt Key shortcuts Description
Alt+A+FA  Get Data From Access button
Alt+A+FW  Get Data From Web
Alt+A+FT  Get Data From Text tool
Alt+A+FO  Get Data From Other Sources
Alt+A+X  Get Data Using an Existing Connection
Alt+A+PN  New Query button
Alt+A+PS  Show Queries tool
Alt+A+PT  From Table button
Alt+A+PR  Recent Sources tool
Alt+A+R or Ctrl+Alt+F5  Refresh All button
Alt+A+O  Connections button
Alt+A+P1  Data Range Properties
Alt+A+K  Edit Links tool
Alt+A+SA  Sort A to Z button
Alt+A+SD  Sort Z to A tool
Alt+A+SS  Sort button
Alt+A+T or Ctrl+Shift+L  Filter button
Alt+A+  Clear Filter tool
Alt+A+Y1 or Ctrl+Alt+L  Reapply Filter
Alt+A+Q  Advanced Filter
Alt+A+E  Text to Columns button
Alt+A+FF or Ctrl+E  Flash Fill button
Alt+A+M  Remove Duplicates
Alt+A+V  Data Validation tool
Alt+A+N  Consolidate button
Alt+A+A  Relationships tool
 Alt+A+DM  Manage Data Model
(Go to the Power Pivot Window)
 Alt+A+W  What-If Analysis button
 Alt+A+FC  Forecast Sheet tool
 Alt+A+G  Group button
 Alt+A+U  Ungroup button
Alt+A+B  Subtotal button
Alt+A+J  Show Detail tool
Alt+A+H  Hide Detail button
Alt+A+L  Outline button

So, the button & tool words used in the table above; give identical meaning in the Description Column. Three keys combining the “Alt” key is used generally for shortcuts. Also, the “Ctrl” key shortcuts used, are two or more than two keys combined together in Excel.

See Next Post: Review tab groups buttons tools shortcuts MS Excel 2016


About the Author

After working on Microsoft Excel for so many years, now its time to share & spread my Experience and Knowledge, which I have gained on Excel with the world. Myself, Piyush Kr. Pandey is an Excel enthusiast and founder of (Learn Microsoft Excel), a website since 2016. Kindly, Subscribe our blog email newsletters for daily vital and essential informative posts on Microsoft Excel. Email:

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